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24 April 2010

Ten Rules for being human

Earth and North America from SpaceImage by IronRodArt - Royce Bair via Flickr
According to Cherie Carter-Scott these are the Ten Rules for being human:

Rule One - You will receive a body.
You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.

Rule Two - You will be presented with lessons.
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "life". Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

Rule Three - There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors and occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much as a part of the process as the experiments that work.

Rule Four - The lesson is repeated until learned.
Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have learned them. When you have learned them, you can go on to the next lesson.

Rule Five - Learning does not end.
There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

Rule Six - "There" is no better than "here".
When your "there" has become "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that will look better to you than your present "here".

Rule Seven - Others are only mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

Rule Eight - What you make of your life is up to you.
You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you.

Rule Nine - Your answers lie inside of you.
All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

Rule Ten - You will forget all this at birth.
You can remember it if you want by unraveling the double helic of inner-knowing.

In my opinion these 10 Rules for being human are true as we experience them mostly on a daily basis in our own life. Some of them have been eye-opener like Rule 2 - 4 and 7.
They will help us understand that a positive life is much more appreciated for ourselves, even when life gives us several lemons to chew on.
The more often we take action in our life, the faster we can transform these lemons into lemonade and succeed easier in the following given lessons. Usually everything is given to us for a purpose, sometimes the purpose just gets understandable for us after several years.

So take your life easy, it will be more worth!

What do you think about the 10 Rules of being human?
What did you learn from the 10 Rules of being human?
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02 April 2010

4 low cost ways to get website traffic

Bar GraphImage by kevinzhengli via Flickr

When people start their blogs, websites or online businesses, they need to get traffic to their websites. However, in a lot of cases, people don't have the money to pay for advertising.
For luck there are many ways to get traffic to a website, depending on your budget and the time you have available to work on building your online business.
This article lists some of the most powerful and low cost ways to generate traffic to your website.
  1. Offer free reports and ebooks!
    Giving away some freebies and including your website URL in those freebies is an effective and low cost way of getting traffic to your website. You should write some useful short reports with your website link in them and offer those reports for free on a website where you ask visitors to leave their email address before they download the free reports or articles. This means you should give away the report with your URL and also build a list.
    free books, download books

  2. Use Twitter to promote your blog posts
    Twitter has emerged to a powerful tool in generating traffic to blogs and websites by tweeting your blog posts to your follower each time when you publish a new article. There are several tools available which use your RSS-Feed and push the title and/or a part of the post directly to Twitter (Twitterfeed is one of the most popular ones and easy to setup).
    Remember that it's important not only to promote your blog posts but also to interact with your followers, otherwise it will be difficult to get them to click on your links ;-)

  3. Publish your own newsletter
    Having your own newsletter where you offer free tips and content on a regular basis can help to increase traffic to your website and blog. Your newsletter should have links to your website, so many people who will read your newsletter will also visit your website.

  4. Exchange links with websites that have high popularity (PR) rank & traffic
    All you need to do is to find websites that are related to what you offer on your website and exchange links with these sites. This is particularly effective if the websites have high popularity rank on search engines. By doing this, some traffic will come to your website through the websites you are linked to.
Which ways do you use when you have only a small budget for promoting your blog, website or online business?
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