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31 May 2010

Was the BP Oil Rig Explosion predicted by the Movie "Knowing"?

In the movie "Knowing" with Nicolas Cage (on air in 2009) is a TV News scene displayed which shows the Oil Rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. The pictures shown in the movie look exactly the same like the pictures from the actual BP / Deepwater Horizon Oil rig disaster (with it's devastating oil spill) which happen on 20th April 2010.
But it's better for everyone to judge on your own if you want to believe that movies predict the actual Oil rig & Oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico or if this scenario is just a coincidence...
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16 May 2010

The ICE - Campaign - a Life saver for us!

"WHO" do you call when there's an Em...Image by sillygwailo via Flickr

Just wanted to share an important Emergency issue which i got today by e-mail!

Dear Everyone,

We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends.

If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency?

Hence this "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) Campaign

The concept of "ICE" is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name "ICE" ( In Case Of Emergency).

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as "ICE".

For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea that will make a difference!

Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our mobile phones today!
Please forward this. It won't take too many "forwards" before everybody will know about this.

It really could save your life or put a loved one's mind at rest .

ICE will speak for you whenyou are not able to!

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01 May 2010

8 tips for a safe password

4 Password tips - What you should DO for a safe password!
OK to do
  • Use long passwords. The longer your password is, the safer. Use a password that has at least 8 characters, and for your high-security accounts, security experts recommend even longer passwords: at least 14 characters.
  • Mix your password up. Use a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols—the more types of characters you use in your password, the harder it is to guess.

    To illustrate: For an 8-character password with all lowercase letters, a cracking tool would be able to run through every possible combination in 2.42 days. By mixing in uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols, the tool would take 210 years to run through every combination.

  • Use text that's not in a dictionary. A password cracking program can check millions of dictionary words in seconds. Avoid "real" words that can be found in a dictionary.

  • Change passwords regularly. Change your passwords on a regular basis. Every 60-90 days is the recommendation of most security advisors; you may want to change them more or less often depending on the security of the information the password is protecting.

4 Password tips - what you should NOT DO for a safe password

stop doing this
  • Don't use 'password'. The word password and variations such as password1, passwd, p@$$w0rd, and drowssap (password spelled backwards) are so common that many hackers start with these.
  • Don't use easy-to-guess patterns. Don't use a sequence of characters (like 123456 or abc123), repeated characters (ioioio) or patterns that use characters that are close together on the keyboard (qwerty).

  • Don't use your name or other personal characteristics. Don't use your first or last name, and don't use terms associated with your personal life that others may know, like the name of your spouse or children, names of pets, license plate numbers, and phone numbers.

  • Don't use the same passwords for every account. The risk in using the same password for multiple accounts is that if someone figures out one password, that person now has access to everything else. For the utmost in security, use a different password for every password-protected program, web site, and account that you use. It's particularly critical that you not re-use your email account password on web sites because once it’s compromised, the door is opened to all your accounts that have your email address on file.
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