No matter in which Egyptian city you look (Cairo, Alexandria and many more), wherever there is and has been a protest women are taking part and not only in the background. More and more of them are brave enough to show up in the first row or even in confrontation with the military like the following pictures will show you!
Blessed be the people in Egypt, so that they may receive the freedom for which they are fighting!
Please ReTweet this message, so that the Egyptians can still access Twitter via mobile phone as the government has now blocked all major DSL connections!
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The pictures are taken from Leil-Zahra Mortada's Facebook photo album called "Women of Egypt".
More links to other pictures and recent news of the Egyptian protests are following after a part of Leil-Zahra Mortada's "Women of Egypt" screenshot.

More picture galleries of the protests in Egypt added daily!
Tagesschau - German national news television Gallery of protests in Egypt
TotallyCoolPix (great images collection of many recent events, not only the protests in Egypt!)
Daylife's photo grid of the protests in Cairo and Alexandria
Allvoices - Pictures of young women in Egypt protests
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