It's software which is completely free of charge. You can download it and copy it as often as you want and share it with your friends and relatives.
There is a lot of free software in the Internet available for each category you can think of from Antivirus-Programs to Games, from Anti-Spyware to Firewall and Security-Programs, you even can get a FREE Office-Program ( instead of buying the expensive Microsoft Office Package.
Some of these freeware programs are even better than the paid versions of their opponents. Give it a try, you will love it, too!
Here are some websites which offer you this kind of software as freeware or shareware!
My favorite website as they also provide the FREE update checker which looks for new updates of their supported programs! -
Over 100.000 Programs available, some are Shareware which means it's sometimes with a time limit or you have to pay money to get all functions! - Freeware Files
Over 14.000 programs available, lot of updates -
Thousands of titles that are tested, rated, reviewed and safety approved.
Great post--Freeware is definitely the best. I've been using freeware for over 10 years and never had a problem. Google's stuff, including its Chrome browser and online documents, are great. I also test and use widgets, through my website (which itself is free). Thanks for supporting freeware!