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24 September 2010

Twitter: How to get ReTweets to thousands of followers FOR FREE!

Free twitter badgeImage via Wikipedia
What was your first feeling when you become member of Twitter and had 0 followers? I bet you wanted to know how you could increase your followers at least to 10 or 50 within a special time frame. The reason for this is everybody would like to have its tweets read or being mentioned by others in a small talk or even retweeted one of your tweets and with 0 followers no one usually will read your tweets. To increase your personal accounts visibility it's necessary that you interact with other members.
  1. Follow members in your niche and with your interests
  2. Mention these members on several occasions (send a tweet as soon as they follow you, on #followfriday #ff or by exchanging your thoughts on their tweets)
  3. List members who are interesting (you can create 20 different lists/topics) or who you appreciate to be listed (as you list them, many will list you too and you get to be seen by hundreds of other members, too)
  4. Join the secrect club of automatic Retweeters so that your tweet will reach thousands of followers each day for FREE!
The list of the secret club of automatic Retweeters and how you get a Retweet from them!
  • Simply follow them and wait between a few hours and three days until they follow you back
  • after they followed you send them a Direct message with your tweet
  • Take care - these account will mention your nickname automatically, so you can only send them a DM with less than 120 characters (instead of 140), otherwise they cut off important informations at the end of your tweet (like your link)
  • Still play by Twitter's rules - no spamming, no promoting of Twitter following programs or other tweets which get your account suspended!

To name a few of them - some of the accounts which i use regularly-

You can follow these accounts easily with my Twitter-Tools-List (which will be updated as soon as new Retweet-Accounts join the Secret Club)

@TweetAnnounce (27.000+ Followers)
@mytwett (17.000+ Followers)
@RetweetTrain (13.600+ Followers)
@RetweetWizard (12.400+ Followers)
@RetweetHub (8.800+ Followers)
@weretweet (7.700+ Followers)
@WildRetweeter (4.200+ Followers)
@TweetEchos (3.400+ Followers)
@ARAGUACOMERCIAL (3.000+ Followers)
@RTFORYOU (1.800+ Followers)
@Retweet_Mart (1.600+ Followers)
@Retweets4You (1.100+ Followers)*
@Retweet123 (1.000+ Followers)
@followretweet (700+ Followers)
@ashraf_firee (550+ Followers)
@we_retweet (300+ Followers)

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